General Services Administration
Ashley U.S. Courthouse Annex and Modernization



Ashley U.S. Courthouse Annex and Modernization


General Services Administration


Toledo, OH


Est. 2024


188,000 GSF


LEED Gold Target


Civic Realm, Renovations + Additions

Partner Firm


This new Annex (currently in construction) and major renovation and modernization of the James M. Ashley and Thomas W.L. Ashley U.S. Courthouse in Toledo, Ohio will meet the long-term space requirements for the Judiciary and the Department of Justice. The design balances openness and daylight with transparent facades that reflect the values of the judicial process. A stone façade and a bridge connection integrate the annex with the existing historic courthouse. The “Glass Porch” of the Annex along Spielbusch Avenue boasts a double-height atrium leading to the four District Courts, showcasing activity to the street. The building celebrates the glass manufacturing heritage of Toledo and integrates natural daylight, views and connections to the Civic Mall.


The exterior design of the Annex is deferential to the colors, materiality, and massing of the Ashley Courthouse, while pushing for a new contemporary language within the Civic Mall. The Annex respects the height of the historic courthouse by matching its cornice to that of the Ashley and setting back its two upper stories such that they do not visually compete with the original building. While the Annex façade has been carefully matched to the stone of the Ashley, the new courthouse employs a great deal more glass, bringing greater transparency to its halls of justice.


The design of the four district and municipal courtrooms in the Annex is a departure from the typical designs of recent courtrooms. These rooms feature translucent glazing along one wall that brings in natural daylighting while still providing visual and acoustical privacy to the proceedings. Additionally the courtrooms feature a free-standing witness stand, which ensures a clear distinction between the roles of witnesses, the judge and other court officials, all while providing ideal sight lines for the jury and gathered audience.


Structural Engineer | LeMessurier Consultants, Inc.

Mechanical / Electrical | Buro Happold

Civil Engineer | DGL Consulting Engineers

Landscape Architect | Stimson

AV Consultant | Buro Happold

Fire / Code Consultant | Jensen Hughes

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